SET 5 (9.00-13.00 - MONDAY AND TUESDAY)

Do you know how much important of taking breakfast??
According to old people, to look more healty and slim, must take the breakfast as our habit..and in Islam, also encourage their beliver to take 'sahur' when they are want fasting..This also proof with science research..
The expert nutrion also says, the breakfast is the premier source for start our day. The choices of breakfast, especially more carbohidrate, can give energy, and able to stop feel hungry, also can control feel want to eat between breakfast and lunch.
Unfortunately, more people does not like to take breakfast and their reason, not have an appetite, not enough time (cause of wake up late)..In short, breakfast can give more possitive effect for brain activity-more focus,more sensitive,more active..
As a result, taking breakfast more important due to can give more stamina although just a bread and a cup of coffee!!!(break+first=strong brain)
Don't forget to take your breakfast yeah!:)
1 Response
  1. nor rafiezah binti md rejab Says:

    i always miss my breakfast =)