SET 5 (9.00-13.00 - MONDAY AND TUESDAY)

hellO my dEar friEnds...
hOw are yOu tOday???
I hOpe yOu all sO healthy and have a nicE Day...
what yOur OpiniOn abOut this Car???
sO nicE right!!!
yOu knOw..this is a my dream's car...
One day..I hOpe my dreams can be reality...
What yOur drEam's Car???
4 Responses
  1. A1222274 Mohamad Shafid Says:

    wahh..thats your dreams car...wah thats good..god willing your dream come true asuha..mybe you can bring our classes to go anywhere...huhuhu..enough people or not??huhuhu

  2. ai asuha my dream car is a train can or not u thhik's can bring all of u go around malaysia hahahhaha...

  3. asuha...
    your dream's car very interesting...
    but i think it's very small to your family...hehehe....
    never mind...
    you can get it if you want..


  4. My dream's car is Honda City.. our dreams will come true..
    good willing,,,,