SET 5 (9.00-13.00 - MONDAY AND TUESDAY)

Hi..and hello my friends..

Why suddenly I want to write about love right now..huhuhu..why???

Maybe in a few days before, I always heard of my friend's problem in love..(so sad and just patient my friend!!)

That is love..sad, like, jealous, angry, love..all have in L.O.V.E..why? I just can give some advice.. and I don 't think so that my advice good..cause i'm not the love doctor..:)

Ok..enough.. I don't want to talk about this anymore..and not deny the love is very parants, family, friends, cat, flower, food (hehehe)...all,but the most important and greatful love is ALLAH..however it is..our intention to love somebody it must because ALLAH, God willing will be happy everlasting..Amin!.

*To the person who have love problem just strong yourself and always remember there have other person who love you more then yourself in this just happy and take care..:)

1 Response
  1. Syukriyah bt Saidin (A126194) Says:

    salam... hye..hoe are you? I agree with you about love..true love with Allah..