SET 5 (9.00-13.00 - MONDAY AND TUESDAY)

Salam and hello to all my friends. Here I want to share with all of you about an advantage of "basmalah".

1) Read 21 times before sleep. InsyaAllah will be cared by Allah of interruption of spiritual creature, genie, devil, thief, sudden death and which matter not desired happened including magic.

2) Read 786 times on water at night (as good as night Friday). Then, pass it to who has a weak memory in the morning (time emerge sun). InsyaAllah will be described heart by Allah. (repeated along 7 day).

3) Read 50 times in front of those cruel people. InsyaAllah will lose face the tormentor by Allah.

4) Written 135 times, then placed it in front of the house door, insyaAllah the house will be avoided from genie and devil.

5) Written 101 times, then included in a bottle and closed. So that water didn't come in. Then placed it at the paddy field place. InsyaAllah would be surviving from pest.

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