SET 5 (9.00-13.00 - MONDAY AND TUESDAY)
Do you know philosopher??Ok now, I want to share with you The Philosopher which so famous in muslim world. They are struggle for philosophy knowledge in part of mathemathic, astronomy, science,emanation, theology and others.

Among of them is Avicenna, Averros, brethren of purity,al-farabi, al-Kindi,al-ghazali and others. they are give a lot of sacrifice in philosophy part. I and my friend take in faculty Theology and philosophy that knowledge. so not just we all in part of theology and philosophy know this philosopher, you can know them.right???so.. check and out their pictures... In left side( Avicenna, al-farabi), In right side (al-Ghazali, al-kindi and averroes). You must know them to increase your knowledge....
1 Response
  1. Faiz Says:

    A century ago, Muslim are very greatest at all aspect and not only about jurisprudence, but also in medic, engineer, mathematics, and other course that we see in the historical book. Although they memories the holy Quran, but they still can involve into other subject. Its very hard to find someone just like them today like a Avicenna. I think there is the Jr. Avincenna today. (^_^)